Tax litigation
We advise our Clients on every step of a tax dispute, whether resulting from a tax inspection, a tax/customs inspection or tax checks. Our expertise covers issues related to income taxes, VAT, tax on transactions in civil law, local taxes and customs duty. We act as counsel for Clients before tax authorities, customs/tax authorities in matters related to tax and customs obligations and in matters related to administrative enforcement procedure.
Depending on the Client’s needs and expectations, our support covers a full range of legal services, including the representation of the Client in the Regional Administrative Courts or the Supreme Administrative Court, or is limited to the preparation of an appeal or cessation appeal and other pleadings involved in proceedings before an administrative court. We work closely with our Clients to determine the best course of action.
The range of our services also covers diverse advice in the area of criminal/fiscal law, including the mitigation of the risk of liability resulting from criminal/fiscal law (e.g. amended tax returns, notification of an act prohibited by tax law).
KB Legal & Tax offers training and workshops during which tax payers learn how to be ready for a tax inspection or customs/tax inspection.
Reprezentacja klienta w toku kontroli podatkowej dotyczącej rozliczenia podatku od towarów i usług w związku z dokonaniem wewnątrzwspólnotowej dostawy towarów.
Przygotowanie wniosku o stwierdzenie nadpłaty w podatku dochodowym w związku z wyodrębnieniem zakładu podatkowego na terytorium szwecji oraz reprezentacja klienta